Saturday 9 July 2011

Two of my favorite ipod apps for flying.

1. Xplane 9.

This game is the best game i have on my ipod, and probably the most powerful one. Its a flight simulator that used to cost £5.99 but now its only £2.99!!! It has good graphics, a range of areas, planes and runways. You can go multi player and change lots of settings on it. The best thing is you control the plane by tilting the ipod/iphone. Brilliant

2. F-SIM Shuttle

This game involves landing a space shuttle. This is a good 'tutorial' app for learning to use Xplane better. This game focuses on landing, and you can start lined up with the runway, so all you have to do is bring the shuttle down and land it, or you can start in the air, so you have to steer the plane to align it with the runway then land it. One thing this has that Xplane doesn't is ATC (air traffic control). A voice tells you when to turn, how far you are from the ground and when the wheels go down. After, you are scored on your landing.
There is also a video of a good landing, so you can watch it to help you land

Friday 8 July 2011

A must have mirror for any woman?

Ever had the problem where you cant quite see what the back of your hair looks like? You find your self at an awkward position trying to position the mirror to see if its combed properly? Well here is the answer to your problems.

This mirror, or should i say set of mirrors, fold out from the main central mirror to give you a supposedly 360 degree view of your head. When i first saw this, i looked at my mirror beside me, and thought, this cant work because its just like having one mirror but turning your head round, straining your eyes, but then i realised that because of the three mirrors either side of the main mirror, you can look in one mirror, where you can see another mirror showing the back of your head. With me?

The main mirror has a light on it, so you can do your hair and makeup any time of the day, even at night!

It costs about $40 and can be stuck to the wall using screws or suction cups, so if your husband or boyfriend has gone on Holiday, and your not one for a spot of DIY, you can just shove it on the wall!.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Iphone App Review: Wind Tunnel

I downloaded this app a few days ago after downloading the free lite version. On the lite version you cannot draw your own shapes, but only watch the flow of air or smoke on a car or air foil. I decided to download the full game at about £1.19

This game is good for anyone who is interested in physics, aircraft, cars, aerodynamics and anything like that. In the full version you can draw any shape you want, and choose from particles, Smoke, pressure and speed to test your shape.

What i liked, was the pressure one. I was drawing shapes to get high pressure underneath, and low pressure above, like an airplane wing (i think). You can also get the app to calculate the amount of lift and drag your shape is creating. For example, i have just drawn a shape, and i am making around 4-5 lift and also 4-5 drag. I can see there is low pressure on the top of the shape, and some high pressure on the underside.

I think this app is very good and it is good for wasting your time (in a good way). If you like science or engineering you will love this app!

Note: I think this app can only be used on iphone and ipod touch 4G (it should say on the app description)

Amazing Photography at SFO

Im not sure how big this picture is going to appear, so if it is hard to see, click here: Amazing pictures

This is a picture taken by a Flickr user of an airport. The white lines you can see going into the air is acutally areoplanes. How is this done? Well on most cameras, there is a setting where you can adust how long the shutter is open (when taking a normal picture the shutter is open for less than a second!). Using a long shutter speed must only be done at night, because in daylight too much light gets into the sensor so all you get is a white screen. The lights on the front of the aircraft are what the white lines actually are. Because of the long shutter the lights 'drag' across the screen so you can see the path they take. 

The picture shows the different paths the planes come from. Obviously they dont all come at the same time, they come at regular intervals. The shutter is just open for a long period of time.

If you go onto the persons Flickr page you can see some other work he has done.

Also if you look at the picture in fullscreen you can see the end of the planes where they have stayed still. I can see a few virgin, a quantus, and a few others. I think this picture is absolutly brilliant so i needed to share it with you!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Future Fizzy Drink Bottles?

Fizzy drink bottles at the moment are round and have a bow in the middle, as you know. This means when they are in boxes there is a large amount of space with nothing in...

Obviously, the designers of these potential bottles have tackled that problem. This means there will be more liquid in the bottle. So either the bottles will be made smaller, or more liquid in the bottle. Putting more liquid in the bottle means the cost will be higher. My guest will be that these bottles will be made shorter so the same amount on liquid is used.

Are these bottles ergonomic though? Is it uncomfortable holding a square shaped bottle? Are they as easy to carry around? I dont think this is too much of a problem, but i guess you have to try it to know. Another thing you can see in the picture is the position of the top. Its offset to make it easier for you to drink. Good idea, but really is it needed?

I think these are a good potential product, so i think it could be possible that we will see these in a few years.

Mc Donalds Sink?

Could this be the sink that Mc Donalds will put in their restaurants?
The sink looks futuristic, but lets think here, is it really practical for a restaurant?

For starters, the sink is large, and takes up alot of space. Depending on the size of the loos this could be a problem. Its one sink to one person, and the tap is on the highest part. The water runs down the slide into the drain.

Also, look at how you dry your hands. Would you really want to use a towel that half wet, and got germs from other people who haven't washed there hands properly?

The next thing i need to point out is how the water enters the drain... the drain has slats over the top like any normal drain, but on this sink they could obstruct the flow of water into it, causing it to splash onto the floor around it. That means a slippery floor.

On the design side of things it is good, futuristic and interesting, yet on the practical side, its a near disaster.

I dont think we will be seeing these in restaurants any time soon. Spoof maybe?

What do you think? Leave your comments below.

(I think this is for Mc Donalds but if not tell me in a comment )